
Showing posts from 2017

Google Slide Flash Cards

Using Google Slides I created these flashcards for Chapter 6 of the book we are reading for my current class in educational technology. The book is by Pearson and is called Instructional Technology and Media for Learning.


This week we read chapter 5 from Instructional Technology and Media for Learning from Pearson. In this chapter we learn the ins and outs of computer software and hardware. Here is a link to a set of flashcards I have created to review the basic vocabulary found in chapter 5.

Embedding Video into Google Slides

Click this link to be directed to a brief Google Slides document I created about Mrs. Humphrey's second grade class singing and dancing in their classroom.

5 Content Relevant Hyperlinks

Here are some useful links for my students to utilize throughout the school year. As I find new informational resources this list may change or grow as we change and grow together. Dictionary Discovery Education EduPlace -How to cite resources Every Living Thing -online dissection resource Glogster

Genius Hour Lesson for 4th Grade

This is my idea for a implementing a Genius Hour lesson for the end of the year for my 4th grade class... I just discovered the Genius Hour this week in a course I am taking at National University. This was the first time I had heard of the Genius Hour and I have to say that I truly love this idea. The incorporation of this idea into the classroom can be an amazingly powerful tool to expand a child's learning beyond the classroom. Having something they can research and create independently can excite and encourage students to learn on their own. The big concern with activities like the Genius Hour in the classroom is the ability to lose control of the students because they are all working on completely different activities all at the same time. In the "What is Genius Hour?" article Mrs. Kirr implements a one-on-one weekly discussion on the Genius Hour project to ensure students are utilizing this time to develop and learn more about what they are passionate ab

Class Overview

Welcome to Miss. Kessler's 3rd Grade Class! My third graders are expected to abide by all classroom rules and expectations. There will be some rules that will be made by the class collaboratively during the start of the year but the following are some hard and fast rules my class must comply with on a daily basis so that we may all learn together in harmony. 1. Respect yourself and others. 2. Teacher talks, I listen. 3. Work together. As stated previously this list will be extended with rules the class feels they need in order to have the best learning environment for themselves as well as others. Parents it's important for the children to be at school on time. In the classroom every minute of our day counts so making sure time is valued by my students by being on time is important to me as well as to them. Here is a link to this years bell schedule as well as the school calendar . Please make sure to take note of special holidays as well as half days to make sure yo

My Profile

  My name is Jennifer Kessler and I am an aspiring elementary school teacher. My first career was as a senior pharmacy technician for a local retail pharmacy chain. After having a child I found my passion for children and teaching in the classroom. In my free time I love to bake, craft and create! During my free time I spend time with my daughter outside either hiking or going to the beach. My hope in life is to inspire the desire to learn more about the world around us and give the ability to see things from a different point of view. Seeing things through the eyes of a child is the best way to see the true world as it is, pure and beautiful.

Book Review

Jennifer Chavez MAT 675- Integrating Multimedia Assignment 4B Bibliography Check out my Powtoon for this book! Maloy, Robert W., Edwards, Sharon A., Verock, Ruth Ellen, Park Woolf, Beverly. (2017). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Pearson Education, Inc., Digital Publication., 346 pp. Transforming learning with new technologies is written by Robert W. Maloy, University of Massachusetts Amherst senior lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Ruth-Ellen Verock, University of Massachusetts Amherst senior lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Sharon A. Edwards, University of Massachusetts Amherst a clinical faculty member in the Department of Education and Curriculum Studies, Beverly Park Woolf, University of Massachusetts Amherst is a research professor in the Department of Computer Science. -Third Edition. The collaboration of these professors is what makes this book so great. Each one of

Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century

How do you describe yourself as a learner in the 21st Century? As a learner in the 21st century I find myself learning more and more about the technological applications that can facilitate in my learning experience as a student. Before I went back to school my use of technology was very limited to things such as social media sites like Face Book or simple video access sites like YouTube. In my pursuit to become a teacher I have become so much more aware and knowledgeable about the technological world around me. My newest piece of technology that I have incorporated into my daily life has been my Surface Pro4. It has become a key component to my educational experience while working towards my Masters in Education. Technology of the 21st century has enabled me to be a successful student while also working full time and being a single mom. How do you describe yourself as a teacher in the 21st Century? As an aspiring teacher in the 21st Century I am excited to learn and understand m

Lesson Plan on Recycling

This is a lesson plan that I created for early learners about recycling. Recycling is part of learning about student health and wellness. This lesson is a Project-Based Lesson because after instruction the students are asked to create recycling boxes they can take home to encourage them and their families to recycle. This lesson plan caters to every type of learner and is filled with differentiated teaching methods. For auditory, visual and even ELL students there is a visual presentation given to the students which includes a video about recycling. At the beginning of the lesson kinesthetic learners benefit by the campus walk about where we identify waste and recyclables and where each are disposed. Final assessment of knowledge will be done by the informal method of having the students share what they have learned about recycling with the class. One idea to assess would be to give each student a recyclable item and have them place it in the appropriate recycling type bin that match