Class Overview

Welcome to Miss. Kessler's 3rd Grade Class!

My third graders are expected to abide by all classroom rules and expectations. There will be some rules that will be made by the class collaboratively during the start of the year but the following are some hard and fast rules my class must comply with on a daily basis so that we may all learn together in harmony.

1. Respect yourself and others.
2. Teacher talks, I listen.
3. Work together.

As stated previously this list will be extended with rules the class feels they need in order to have the best learning environment for themselves as well as others.

Parents it's important for the children to be at school on time. In the classroom every minute of our day counts so making sure time is valued by my students by being on time is important to me as well as to them. Here is a link to this years bell schedule as well as the school calendar. Please make sure to take note of special holidays as well as half days to make sure your student is picked up from school at the right time.

Parents I also want to make sure we can work together to give your child the best educational experience possible this year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via e-mail to schedule meetings or to ask simple questions regarding your child. Homework will go home on Mondays and will be due every Friday at the beginning of class. Please make sure students are completing their homework in pencil and that their FULL name is on top. I want the students to take pride in their work so make sure it is neat and organized to be graded. There will be several in class tablet or iPad applications we will be using in class. Once the students receive and learn their ID numbers and passwords this information will be sent home with your child so that they may engage in these learning applications from home on a daily to weekly basis.

I look forward to getting to know you and your families and creating amazing learning experiences and memories with all of my students this year!

Jennifer Kessler


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