Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century

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How do you describe yourself as a learner in the 21st Century?

As a learner in the 21st century I find myself learning more and more about the technological applications that can facilitate in my learning experience as a student. Before I went back to school my use of technology was very limited to things such as social media sites like Face Book or simple video access sites like YouTube. In my pursuit to become a teacher I have become so much more aware and knowledgeable about the technological world around me. My newest piece of technology that I have incorporated into my daily life has been my Surface Pro4. It has become a key component to my educational experience while working towards my Masters in Education. Technology of the 21st century has enabled me to be a successful student while also working full time and being a single mom.

How do you describe yourself as a teacher in the 21st Century?

As an aspiring teacher in the 21st Century I am excited to learn and understand more about how technology can be effectively utilized in the classroom. Multimedia in the classroom has become a mandatory and irreplaceable way to enhance the learning experience for todays young learners. That being said I also know that some of my students will know much more than I do about certain areas of technology so I am also looking forward to learning from my students as well. My goal is to try to keep up my knowledge on current learning applications and technological advances as I continue to teach so that I am able to learn and grow with my students. In order to achieve this I want to try to attend local lectures and informational events on the use of technology in the classroom. Currently I am looking into learning about the current hype around STEAM sessions and how they benefit teachers and students learning possibilities in the classroom.

This is an exiting time in educational history and I am excited to see how the use of technological applications changes the future of our educational system as a country.


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