
Showing posts from April, 2017

Book Review

Jennifer Chavez MAT 675- Integrating Multimedia Assignment 4B Bibliography Check out my Powtoon for this book! Maloy, Robert W., Edwards, Sharon A., Verock, Ruth Ellen, Park Woolf, Beverly. (2017). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. Pearson Education, Inc., Digital Publication., 346 pp. Transforming learning with new technologies is written by Robert W. Maloy, University of Massachusetts Amherst senior lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Ruth-Ellen Verock, University of Massachusetts Amherst senior lecturer in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Sharon A. Edwards, University of Massachusetts Amherst a clinical faculty member in the Department of Education and Curriculum Studies, Beverly Park Woolf, University of Massachusetts Amherst is a research professor in the Department of Computer Science. -Third Edition. The collaboration of these professors is what makes this book so great. Each one of