My introduction into blogging...

My name is Jennifer Chavez and I am a 33 year old single mother to an amazingly beautiful 7 year old little girl named Raelyn. My drive to become a mother started at an early age and when I was only 24 I almost lost my life to a pulmonary embolism in my left lung along with the chance to become the mother I always dreamed I would be. After this brush with death I took out a new lease on life and kicked my own butt into high gear finally earning my Bachelor of Science in General Biology and gave birth to a healthy 5 pound baby girl who would forever change my future. I have worked as a Senior Pharmacy Technician for 15 years and always pushed to pursue a career in medicine. I am great at my job but I have never been able to grow and feel as inspired as I do within the walls of a classroom full of children. If it wasn't for my daughter I would have never found my true calling as a teacher.

Through working with the public I have learned to communicate and understand people from so many different cultures and backgrounds. As a child I grew up in a military home and attended 9 different grade schools, including eight years of schooling in Okinawa, Japan. My upbringing very much shaped the person I am today and my abilities to work with many different types of people. This is differentiation at it's finest. I know first hand how important our differences as human beings are both culturally and scientifically. My hope is to create a classroom where my instruction can reach every student within it and beyond. I want my students to feel special and to know how important I feel they are to me and how important their education is for their future as well as for their families. Teaching in different modalities, utilizing scaffolding techniques, and utilizing resources wisely this can be achieved. I am looking forward to learning more about advancing my knowledge and strengths within this subject of differentiation of teaching so that I can have greater tools to get the best results for my future students.


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